I just booked a trip to Bruges for next week! Just staying one night for a Kristin Hersh gig but still. I’m going to Bruges!

I needed to reboot my phone to get it to work but I can now at least play Gameboy games through a proper not-from-App Store app which certainly is special!

So has anyone actually managed to import a game ROM into the AltStore version of Delta? The file browser is just stuck for me. Navigation doesn’t happen when I tap “Downloads” (or anything else) even though the UI itself responds.

Anyone else having trouble using Frida to instrument system processes on macOS 14.4/14.4.1? frida-helper gets killed with “Process used task_for_pid()” even though I have SIP disabled (and nvram boot-args=“-arm64e_preview_abi”).

I forgot to type “sudo” in front of a command and you won’t believe what happened next

you and me both, Xcode

Found my old Jolla phone!

Aaaah feels fantastic when you’ve written a tool to parse a 100 GB file and one run takes 9 minutes and it crashes on literally the last byte.

TIL Xcode gets a wee bit beachbally if you have 99900 assertions failures in one unit test. Don’t do that.

Classic “designed by Apple in California”: it’s inconceivable that both max and min temperatures are negative double digit numbers, so one of them gets truncated

Apple Watch face with a temperature widget showing a temperature range of -… to -11 degrees