Hello Helsinki

Viking Line as seen from a Silja Line ship a few days ago, around 16:50

Cheers from a Stockholm roof top!

Saw this and started wondering what kind of pub an astropub would be

(also, I miss the pineapple burger they used to serve there!)

Apple localizing deeply technical content is nice, but reading it in Swedish makes it hard to follow, because the terminology is so unfamiliar. I actually can’t get the English version for cross-checking because it redirects me to the Swedish version even if I manually enter “en-us” in the URL.

Bike commute 🌨️

Possibly a personal pull request record

A screenshot of a git change summary showing 80 lines added, 81153 lines removed

Independence Day lunch!

Bike commute ❄️


Met some ducks on my walk today!

Nice view from the new Bistro O Mat in Hakaniemi!

Someone left a message on my voicemail. I didn’t know I have a voicemail service, so I thought the SMS notification was a scam. I really don’t want it. Now I need to figure out how to turn it off.

Leaving work, 17:30

Mesmerized by this sign language interpretation of Finlandia from president Ahtisaari’s funeral.

Sometimes my commute is pretty!

Happy Sonoma day to those who celebrate!

These babies only have one more year of macOS security patches, shouldn’t the prices start to drop dramatically by now?

Come see me and my colleague Arthur present two macOS vulnerabilities we’ve found at Objective By The Sea v6.0!

Screenshot of OBTS talk schedule, listing our talk titled 'Two More Ways the Quarantine Attribute Can Fail Us'

Three attempts of “hey Siri, remind me to pay the ukulele bill tonight”

launchd debug logs are always fun to read. Today’s examples: “uncorking exec source” and “internal event: PETRIFIED”

That’s what, a week’s use? Why would you stop using a reusable cup after only a week?

When you write code for hours and finally press “build” and the build passes and you’re like yay I’m awesome and then you test it and nothing works and it turns out you had the wrong target selected all along.

oh wow, I only now noticed that in Sonoma, there’s /etc/pam.d/sudo_local which persists across upgrades!

Terminal window that says: $ cat /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template 
&10;# sudo_local: local config file which survives system update and is included for sudo
&10;# uncomment following line to enable Touch ID for sudo
&10;#auth       sufficient     pam_tid.so

Might need to tweak those serial parameters a bit. Also homebrew needs to learn to respect the termcap!